Saturday, February 9, 2013

Same-Sex Attraction and Homosexuality

This tends to be a pretty sensitive and/or hot topic so I will do my best to make sure I present my ideas clearly so as not to be mistaken for anything other than what I have intended.

This posting is not intended to bash or support homosexuals or anyone feeling same-sex attractions, but it is a post about the beautiful individuals God has created in each of us and how we can better this world he has placed us in with the talents, personalities, and temperaments He has so lovingly created and nurtured within us here on the earth and in the pre-existence(our existence with God before coming here to the earth).

That being said, the Lord never made one of His children to be homosexual. The Family a Proclamation to the World states that gender is part of our divine identity and that we have specific roles to fill as part of those genders (particularly paragraphs 2 and 7).

Now, let me say that I do believe that some men may have some qualities that some consider feminine like kindness, sensitivity, and empathy. The same would hold true for some women. Does this mean that they are born to be homosexual? Absolutely not! It is the special characteristics they have that will help them to become the person our Heavenly Father knows they can be. Women, think for a moment, which of you doesn't want a husband who is kind to you and your children, sensitive to your families needs, and empathizes with anyone he knows is struggling?

I focus more on men at this point because I want to use an example that would be more easily applicable. I think about the Savior Jesus Christ. There was a man, in every sense of the word. He was the epitome of masculinity. He was a true man that we can all look up to. But does that mean the Savior was unkind? Does it mean he wasn't sensitive to others? Does it mean he lacked empathy? Of course it doesn't. The Savior's kindness was evident when after discovering the woman with an issue of blood who had touched His robe said, "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace." (Luke 8:48) His sensitivity showed brightly when upon being shown the woman taken in adultery he sent her accusers away, and then spoke privately with her to give her hope and forgiveness (John 8:3-11). Lastly the Savior showing great and lasting empathy for the sisters Mary and Martha and their departed brother Lazarus (John 11:35)

Jesus Christ had many of the qualities that some would be quick to label as feminine, yet he was our perfect example of masculinity and how to live our lives. Those who may have qualities that seem not to fit with your gender, it doesn't mean that you are homosexual, it just means that you have gifts that you can use to help others and yourself to be developed more fully and become complete without overstepping bounds of gender appropriateness. In all things, if we follow the Savior, I know we will be blessed

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